A Farmer's Heart
Please know I have a farmer’s heart. My Granddaddy Old Man D McCullough (Tobacco Farmer) taught me much while he lived. I used to love to linger on the porch of prayer plus plenty with him and listen to him hymn. I was not born in Tennessee. But, once my feet felt the warm Tennessee soil, I was sold out to the ground that ain’t no thing but fair, my government Issued Birth Certificate states I was born on an air base in the state of Illinois. But know when my Air Force Daddy relocated us to his home town (Franklin Tennessee) my feet got real happy and free! Granddaddy taught me many things on that porch and in the Garden. Y’all!! Another Tennessee Gardening Tip is: YOU CAN SOW AND SELL SEED IN THE SAME SEASON, just know, if you do, your crop will likely be SHORT come HARVEST!
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